Dad is dying

I wrote this in November of 2021 but never published it.

I received news the other day that my dad was not doing well. He already has Diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. A new thing he has is Gastroparesis. It’s a condition where your gastro track basically freezes up. You cannot digest, therefore you vomit. His weight is down to 116. That’s less than I weigh. He has also gotten to the point where he can’t tell if he needs to go to the bathroom so he has accidents. My mom is the one who is having to deal with all of this. Having to clean him up.

I am traveling to visit them in a few weeks. I am terrified.

Photo by Keenan Constance from Pexels
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I think I’ve finally done it. I’ve finally broken free from the both of you.

You probably have no idea how much pain you’ve caused me. What a huge feat it has been in order to do this.

Begrudgingly, I knew it was unhealthy for me to keep hoping. Keep looking for some way in. Somewhere inside of myself, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

I needed professional help, plus the distraction of another potential love interest, to finally disengage.

Continue reading “Disengaging”

Alternate Reality

Not their house - but close.

I hate visiting my parents.

Lately when I come here, I mentally count down the days until I can go home. To my clean, (relatively) uncluttered, comfortable apartment.

I hate their house. Every surface and much of the floor is covered with dusty stuff. Old stuff. New stuff. Stuff that has to be sorted. Donated. Fixed. Put away. Given away. Thrown away. Gone through. Or kept, because it needs to stay in the family.

Continue reading “Alternate Reality”